Starting a business in the Philippines

Business Registration Steps. 

If you want to start a business in the Philippines, just follow these simple business registration steps. 

Step 1: 

Go to any Department of Trade and Industry office ( DTI ) and the 
Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection ( BTRCP )
to register your business name.

Requirement: Any valid ID
Fee: Barangay: PHP 200.00
City / Municipality: PHP 500.00
Regional: PHP 1,000.00
National: PHP 2,000.00
Processing time: 1 hour

Step 2.1: 

Go to Municipal hall to get business permit.


DTI certificate
Lease contract (if renting) or tax declaration (if you own the place)
2×2 ID picture
Fee: P4,000 (approx.)
Processing time: 2-3 hours

Step 2.2: 

Go to Office of the Treasurer of each city or municipality for BMBE* Application


1. Duly filled up and signed Application form in triplicate
2. Three passport size pictures
3. DTI registration for sole proprietorship; SEC registration for corporations, partnerships or association; CDA registration for cooperatives
4. Mayor’s permit
Cost of registration: P1,000

The LGU shall issue the Certificate of Authority and shall be effective for a period of two (2) years, renewable for a period of two (2) years for every renewal.

Step 3: 

Go to Barangay hall to get business clearance.

Step 4: 

Go to BIR office to get TIN/Certificate.


DTI certificate
Mayor’s Permit
Lease Contract (if renting) or tax declaration (if you own the place)
Fee: P500
Processing time: 1-2 hours